Post Hurricane Socializing

Maine seems to be full of people that we’ve met sailing over the years!! We are a bit late to the party but are doing our best to catch up with as many as possible!

8/22 – Boothbay

Technically, Boothbay was just prior to the Hurricane, and was the port that we chose after getting input from both Sally Honey and Lyn Comfort. Sally was anchor just to the northeast in another harbor, but Lyn, Peggy and Kim Comfort were tied up to a dock in town and greeted us via dinghy within 5 minutes of us dropping anchor!! This might have had something to do with the fact that Kim was heading back to Newport an hour later, but we enjoyed our brief visit.

Later that day we joined Lyn & Peg ashore for a nice lunch and celebrated the fact that Hurricane Henri had decided to go elsewhere. We couldn’t celebrate too much since the Comforts own a home in Newport and the hurricane was heading right there.

Late that day, just before collapsing for a post passage 12 hour nap, we found out that Doug Jorgensen and his wife Margaret were getting on a plane heading to Camden, Maine to check on the status of their soon to be launched new boat! Plans were quickly made to meet for lunch in Boothbay. They landed in Boston just as Henri was arriving and somehow made it to Boothbay through what they termed torrential downpours to spend a couple of hours with us over lunch talking boats and Cal Football!!

8/23 – Christmas Cove

The next day we made the very short journey from Boothbay to Christmas Harbor on Rutherford Island. Our friends Dan Hadley and Linda Dunn have a home here and we were greeted at the dinghy dock by Dan who was eager to give us a tour of “his island” before a couple of hour catch up over beers on his front porch.

Later that evening is was time for a fantastic dinner onboard Lyn & Peg’s boat. The four of us had planned to spend the entire month of August cruising Maine together. Our four week cross country drive and visit with our new grandson sort of changed those plans. Oh well, no complaints were heard and this dinner served as both a hello & goodbye as the Comforts headed home the next morning.

8/24 – 8/26 Port Clyde

Port Clyde is a very small town where the center of all activity is found in the port market. Here you could buy groceries, some marine supplies, coffee, booze, and pay $5/bag to dump your garbage. You could also find out that the lady that runs the inn across the street will wash, dry, and fold (badly) your laundry for $10/load.

This was the location that we choose to cross paths with Torben & Judy Bentsen. Fellow Richmond Yacht Club members that kept there boat “Tivoli” on the same dock as we did while at RYC. Torben and Judy left on their extended cruise three months earlier than we did in 2010. We have really enjoyed crossing paths with them since then in Mexico, the Caribbean, Spain, the Caribbean again and now in Maine!!! The next two days were full of boat tours (they have a new one!), boat projects, sunset cocktails, and lobster dinners!!

And, then…

Alyssa sailed into Port Clyde!! Andreas and Lisbeth Ellefsen are two of our “Covid Lockdown Friends” that spent 10 weeks anchored with us off Barbuda last year. The Ellefsen’s are from Norway, and Torben in from Denmark. Torben and Judy recently spent a season cruising Denmark (in the rain). It will come as no surprise to anyone that there was an instant connection between all involved and much good time followed!!

8/27 – A Day of Rest

This morning (and I use that term loosely) we all headed off in different directions. Deb and I are now anchored in Winter Harbor on Vinalhaven Island. It’s a beautiful spot, its quiet, and we don’t know anyone here!! Time for some down time!!


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